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ID5 off line

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 7:33 pm
by ID5ofChris
Hi, I am a former ID3 owner and I suspect some/a lot of ID3 issues will also be applicable to the ID5.
I took delivery of my ID5 today. When I left the dealership the ID5 was online, after arriving at home it was offline.
This is a regularly occurring issue with ID3 cars. Sometimes it will come back on line after a day or so, sometimes it would take several weeks to come back on line. A quick fix was to remove fuse 19 for about 30 minutes then replace the fuse. I am trying to find out if there is a similar fix for the ID5.

Re: ID5 off line

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 7:59 pm
by swingman
I also had the same issue. I picked up my ID5 on Saturday drove home about 40 miles away. Then on Monday morning No connection. On top of that I had issues with route guidance. I spent a long time with Customer care and they suggested that my signal to on board sim is weak. But suggested to go to dealership to correct all the faults. So I drove back to them. As soon as I arrived it all seem tl work without any intervention. They suggested to use the car for few weeks and if the problem persists then to book it in for them to look at it.

The apps keep loosing the connection to the car and if \i need any info It want me to scan QR code on the informant system. The apps and the reck behind it are still buggy.